Corporate Philosophy
We give top priority to relieving people’s pain and suffering caused by illness and restoring their health and vitality. We promise to fulfill our corporate social responsibility through the supply of medical devices.
We will make the best use of our management resources, provide satisfactory products and services to all of our customers, and do our utmost effort to build trust.
We will strive to meet the expectations of our customers, shareholders, and employees through fair and transparent management, a sound work environment, and the marshalling of human resources to improve our business performance.
At the same time, we understand that we are part of society, and we will strive to fulfill our social responsibilities not only by complying with laws and regulations, but also through corporate activities based on the highest ethical standards.
Mission & Core Values
We established our management vision “Mission & Core Values” in 2015 as an indicator for our employees to be always aware of our corporate philosophy and to return to it when they are unsure of their decisions.